
Saturday, July 30, 2011

Becoming Chloe & Heaven is For Real Book Reviews

I'm a little behind in my book reviews. I apologize. Since reading The Book Thief, I have read 2 other books. I did take a hiatus from reading after TBT because I needed time to digest such a great tale and decide what I wanted to read next. I chose "Heaven is For Real". Honest, I thought it was good. I enjoyed hearing what happened to Colton Burpo in Heaven and what he experienced. I found myself excited and reassured about/of my faith. It also helped me realize just how much Jesus really does love the little children and how I should have a better attitude toward my own (even in those rough moments where a time out is needed for both of us - more on that in a post later this week). I would suggest reading it but do know that I also feel that some of the story seems to be written just to prolong the book. It is good though. This is a non-fiction piece.

Now, the opposite end: Becoming Chloe. Fiction written by the author of "Pay It Forward". UGH! I wasn't sure about it as it opens with a rape then it starts to get better- so I continue, of course. I just finished it a few hours ago. I must say I was disappointed. On my shelfari page I gave it 2 out of 5 stars. I enjoyed the adventure and thought it was going well until the last 10 pages. The characters didn't seem to really grow much. Stagnation is no fun in a person or character! I will say I was inspired and desired to join the characters on their bicycle journey across America

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