
Sunday, March 18, 2012

All Tangled Up!

Remember how I said I was going to take a Zentangle class at the library? Remember how I was nervous I would be the oldest there? Also remember how I was nervous I wouldn't be able to do it? If not, go here; however, I did it, I made a fun Zentangle, I wasn't the oldest!

So, on a beautiful Saturday afternoon, I headed over to the library for the class I registered for. I was excited (kind of bummed for being inside on a nice day for an hour). I walked in and introduced myself. Only to find I was the only person there up to 3 minutes before class began. Eventually, 2 other women walked in. Both were older than me and seriously creative and artistic people- something I'm not, but I'm trying to tap into these abilities.

I was certainly not the oldest. In fact, I was the youngest! Yippeeee!!

The instructor, Carole Bailey-Floyd, was such a delightful and unique soul. She was so encouraging and optimistic about my ability to complete a Zentangle.  I was seriously afraid that I would disappoint her.

In the class description, it stated to contact her for registering for the class. I did. There was no mention of a fee for materials or anything, so I brought what I thought I would need- pen and paper. Imagine my surprise when I get to the library cashless and Carole passes out the materials we'll be using while collecting the class fee. Insert sheepish grin here as I mention that I do not have any cash (or checks) on me, which is my MO. Carole was fantastic about this. She simply gave me the materials, said don't worry about it just send a check in the mail to her sometime. How gracious is that! Then she told me not to fret and just relax and enjoy myself.

The materials were wrapped up in these cute little purple boxes. When you opened, there were 2 purple business cards, a small pencil, pencil sharpener, artist's eraser, 3 Zentangle tiles (9cm square piece of paper), and a cool micron 02 pen. What a beautiful presentation. Then she passed out step by step instructions for 8 patterns.

I heeded her advice and had a TON of fun while creating a fantastic little diddy. It's not perfect, it's not supposed to be. It's simply something I made and had fun doing. In one hour, I learned the history of Zentangle, history of the teacher, history of other students, and created my first Zentangle.
My first Zentangle.
At the end of the class, we ccombined our creations and stated what we liked about each one. I was so glad that they found things they liked about mine, especially since one was a graphic artist and the other was a painter or some kind.

I didn't get enough time to finish coloring in what I wanted, but easily completed that at a restaurant that night while hubby was playing a game of pool with friends. The unfortunate thing was I lost the lid to my box! It was accidentally thrown away when I went to the restroom and the waitress cleared the table. Now, I'm in search for a new little box to carry in my bag and pass time while waiting for things. This is a great way to pass time if you don't have a book or simply want to do something other than read.

If you want to learn more about Zentangle, visit

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